Why is clay cleaner than mud? Why are barbecues safer than fires?
These are questions that often come to my mind when I am working with adults rather than with children. The thought of putting a hand into the mud can be pretty uuugh! for some people. I have learned to spot them and make sure they get to see the handywipes are all ready for them, I tell them that I have dug up some specially prepared 'clay'. Because clay is cleaner than mud, and some people just need a little bit of encouragement to get stuck in.
Mud could also make you smarter and more able to learn.... (here's the science part: www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/05/100524143416.htm) *
*Kindling bears no responsibility if you decide to take science into your own hands and eat dirt.

Haha! I like the 'clay' trick. Amazing what difference a change of phrase can make. I love the faces - thanks for sharing another great idea with the Play Academy.